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Brand: Leica Product Code: 53100
Orientation: Stereo
Illumination Type: Brightfield
Objectives: Objective achromat, WD = 150 mm
Light Sources: LED Lamp
Stage: Fixed
Brand: Zeiss Product Code: 48645
Orientation: Stereoscope
Illumination Type: Brightfield
Objectives: 1.5x PlanApo S
Light Source: KL1500 LCD Halogen
Stage: Mechanical XY
Brand: Zeiss Product Code: 25857
Orientation: Stereoscope
Illumination Type: Brightfield Transmitted and Reflective
Objective: 1.0x Plan S FWD 81mm
Light Source: Trasnsmitted light base, (LP-0413) Schott Ace 1 Stereo Light Source w/Stereo Light Guide
Stage: Fixed Transmitted Light Base
Brand: Zeiss Product Code: 41884
Orientation: Stereoscope
Illumination Type: Brightfield w/ Fluorescence
Objectives: PlanApo S 0.63x FWD 81mm, PlanApo S 1.0x FWD 60mm, Achromat S 0.3x FWD 253mm
Light Source: CL6000 LED, EXFO X-Cite120 Metal Halide
Stage Type: Transmitted light base
Brand: Zeiss Product Code: 43778
Orientation: Stereo
Illumination Type: Brightfield w/ Fluorescence
Magnification: 7.0x - 112x
Light Sources: LED base, 120W Metal Halide
Stage: Fixed base
Brand: Olympus Product Code: 42098
Orientation: Stereo
Illumination Type: Brightfield w/ Fluorescence
Magnification: 4.0x - 40x
Light Sources: 6V 30W Halogen, 19V 100W Mercury
Stage: Motorized XY
Brand: Nikon Product Code: 29559
Orientation: Stereo
Illumination Type: Brightfield
Objectives: 0.5x SHR Plan Apo, 1x SHR Plan Apo
Light Source: LED
Stage: Fixed
Brand: Nikon Product Code: 44105
Orientation: Stereoscope
Illumination Type: Brightfield
Objective: 1x Plan APO WD54
Light Source: LED Light Ring, LED-6WD Spotlight
Stage: Fixed
Brand: Nikon Product Code: 30983
Orientation: Stereoscope
Illumination Type: Brightfield w/ Fluorescence
Objective: 1.6X WD24 HR Plan Apo
Light Source: Light Source: LED-6WD Spotlight, 100W Mercury lamp
Stage: Fixed
Brand: Nikon Product Code: 44122
Orientation: Stereoscope
Illumination Type: Brightfield w/ Fluorescence
Objective: 1x HR Plan APO WD54
Light Source: LED Light Ring, LED-6WD Spotlight, 100W Mercury lamp
Stage: Fixed
Brand: Nikon Product Code: 31548
Orientation: Stereoscope
Illumination Type: Brightfield
Objective: 1x Plan Apo WF WD:70
Light Source: AmScope LED
Stage: Fixed
Brand: Leica Product Code: 27234
Orientation: Upright
Illumination Type: Fluorescence
Objectives: APO 0.63x
Light Sources: EL6000
Stage: Fixed
Brand: Leica Product Code: 25717
Orientation: Stereo
Illumination Type: Brightfield
Objectives: 1X
Light Sources: KL1500 LCD Halogen Lamp
Stage: Fixed
Brand: Leica Product Code: 27709
Orientation: Stereoscope
Illumination Type: Reflective Brightfield
Objective: MZ16 1x Objective
Light Source: KL2500 LCD
Stage: XY Mechanical
Brand: Leica Product Code: 27598
Orientation: Stereo
Illumination Type: Brightfield
Objectives: 1X PLAN Objective
Light Sources: Halogen 6V 20W
Stage: Fixed
Brand: Leica Product Code: 25716
Orientation: Stereo
Illumination Type: Brightfield
Objectives: 1X PLAN stereo objective
Light Sources: 150W Halogen
Stage: Fixed
Brand: Leica Product Code: 25288
Orientation: Upright
Illumination Type: Brightfield w/ Fluorescence
Objectives: Leica Plan APO 1.0x built in adjustable focus range 0.78x-16.0x (total magnification range with eyepieces is 7.8 - 160x)
Light Sources: Built in Halogen, EL6000 Mercury Lamp
Stage: Fixed
Brand: Leica Product Code: 41715
Orientation: Stereo
Illumination Type: Transmitted and Reflective Brightfield
Magnification: Mechanically Adjustable 0.73x to 12x
Light Sources: TL5000 Ergo Transmitted Light Base, CLS 150 LED w/Light Guide, LED5000 SLI, & Exfo X-Cite120 w/Light Guide
Stage: Fixed
Brand: Hirox Product Code: 31949
Orientation: Stereo
Illumination Type: Brightfield Transmitted and Reflective
Objective: 50-400x
Light Source: LED
Stage Type: Fixed and Mechanical XY option
Showing 1 to 20 of 20 (1 Pages)